Banana fiber is a high-strength natural fiber that can be easily blended with cotton fiber or other synthetic fibers to produce blended fabrics and textiles.

Sustainable raw materials

Banana Fiber

Highly resources efficient

It is a soft fiber with a natural sheen, making it a great alternative to silk, and a more sustainable alternative to cotton. The material comes entirely from the stems of a banana tree.

By using a substrate from the banana tree, the production of banana fiber highly resources efficient, using a widely available resource and drastically reducing waste.

Srongest and resistant

Natural fibers have several advantages over synthetic fibers, such as low density. In addition, they are recyclable and biodegradable.

Banana fiber is considered the strongest and most resistant natural fiber, and it is also very versatile. Depending on the part of the stem from which the fiber has been removed, it can have a greater or lesser thickness, malleability, and resistance.

Production Process

The process of producing this fiber does not generate C02 gas emissions and requires much less water and pesticides when compared to cotton production.