Hemp stands out in terms of sustainability among other natural fibers. Due to hemp's unique plant structure, 1/4 less water is consumed during its growth compared to cotton, as its water consumption varies depending on the soil's nutribility.
Hemp requires no synthetic pesticides or herbicides to grow. It is a fiber with low environmental impact, since it is biodegradable, decomposing naturally.
Above all, hemp fibers are 4 times more durable than cotton fibers. Hemp blended with other fibers easily incorporates the desirable qualities of the blend.
The flexibility of cotton or the soft texture of silk, combined with the natural strength of hemp, creates a new category of structures.
Hemp stands out for the following qualities:
01. The fiber is long, very strong, and slightly shiny
02. Compatible with human skin
03. Creates surfaces that breathe
04. Sustainable and environmentally friendly due to its natural structure.
Hemp is a cool, comfortable fiber that provides a refreshing thermal sensation. It is dirt resistant, has good moisture absorption capacity, is air permeable, and has a regular texture compared to other more traditional fibers.